Gritty Girls

Yay! I’m so happy you stopped by. Consider this training ground, there is no short cut to this thing called life; it isn’t always easy. That doesn’t mean that you can’t be proactive and equip yourself with tools that will help you navigate through those curve balls.

Gritty Girls aims to prepare girls for life’s inevitable challenges and train them to be resilient.

The King Protea: represents courage and strength

By raising self awareness and confidence Gritty Girls’ vision is to see every girl love and appreciate themselves. Gritty Girls was inspired by an article “The Winning Edge” published in Psychology Today. The writer Peter Doskoch describes that grit “may be at least as good a gauge of future success as talent itself”. In an effort to combat the increasing threat of human trafficking from a preventative standpoint, and other societal pressures facing girls today, the workshops are geared to encourage critical thinking at a very vulnerable stage of life. Gritty Girls seeks to encourage this generation of teen girls to see themselves through a new lens and set the bar higher. Participants will build more confidence, be able to make healthier choices, and identify unhealthy relationships. 

The program objectives are to help girls to identify their strengths, develop and/or strengthen self confidence, and enhance interpersonal skills. The program format is a set of interactive workshops that will challenge the girls to look further into themselves (which they love to do) by prompting them to identify why they think and feel they way they do, providing them with opportunities to practice effective communication and highlighting the keys to healthy relationships. The workshop will consist of age appropriate interactive exercises and activities.

Services include: One day workshops / 6 – week presentations